Membership of the Association is by annual subscription, normally from 1 April each year. Membership costs £5 per year (or part thereof) per hut for up to two named adults; the membership year runs from 1st April–31st March.
We hope that members benefit from belonging to the Association in the following ways:
Please either download our form to fill in complete and return, or use the online form below:
.pdf Document Membership form 2024-2025
Word Document Membership form 2024-2025
The New Forest Beach Hut Owners’ Association has developed a data policy and believes it should be shared with members.
We hold data collected from membership application forms and record payments of membership subscriptions so that the Association’s administration may be effectively operated. We will generally retain that data for a period of five years after membership has ceased. We may also record intentions to participate in the Association’s social events that occur from time-to-time. The data collected may be shared among committee members. We might record images at the beach hut sites or when social activities take place and potentially these are posted on our website.
Where members give permission, we will share their contact details, if requested, with Hampshire Constabulary, but we will not otherwise release any personal information except to committee members. The Association does not itself make any marketing approaches to members except for Association sponsored social events and to remind of forthcoming renewal of membership being due or of membership having lapsed.
Within the terms of the General Data Protection Regulations we believe our holding and processing of data is in our legitimate interest and enables the proper performance of the Association’s non-profit-making objectives. As such, we may not need members’ specific consent to collect, process or hold the data we record. If individual members take the view that our parameters as set out above are excessive, they are free to request that the holding of their personal data is curtailed, or the retention period shortened. If that’s your opinion, please write suitably by email or sending a hard copy to the Honorary Treasurer who has custody of the records held centrally. The Treasurer will, when asked, send to a member all of their personal data within The Association’s custody.
Membership costs £5 per year (or part thereof) per hut for up to two named adults; the membership year runs from 1st April–31st March. Existing members are reminded that April 1st is the due date for renewing your membership. As per the constitution, membership ceases automatically if not renewed by 1st June. You can make your payment in the following ways:
By cheque
Please send your cheque made payable to NFBHOA clearly indicating the details you have entered below to the Hon Treasurer: Colin Byford, 41 West Road, Dibden Purlieu, Southampton SO45 4RH. Telephone 023 8084 8076
By bank transfer
Please make payment to: NFBHOA. Sort code: 30-91-08. Account Number: 00519737. Ref. Hut No. eg M999